I agree Alan, it is Easy Peasy!

Alan inspired me to spend a bit more time with Voice Thread than I had a month or so ago. This is a test using images from Flickr and the movie being shot at our house. Might be a great way to ask questions, leave comments or whatever.


6 thoughts on “I agree Alan, it is Easy Peasy!

  1. Quentin DSouza

    That was great, thanks for sharing your story and a great tool too. It was really nice to be able to zoom into aspects of the photo that I was curious about.

  2. Kathy Cassidy

    Looks great. You have inspired me to try it again. I first discovered it at a time when the aging computers in my classroom were having trouble supporting “extras” and never posted my show. The voice aspect would make it a good replacement for Bubbleshare, which is not recording as well as it used to.

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