It always feels a bit weird posting good stuff about yourself but to prove I have some credibility in what I say, read what others say about me …
Consistency is often a Key to Positive Change: This article from Chris Kennedy, Superintendent of West Vancouver School District, points to the long-term impact and relationship I have had with this BC school district.
2010 ISTE Outstanding Leader of the Year
Shareski was nominated by Manitoba Association for Computing Educators for his willingness to bring new opportunities to teachers in his district through the use of technology. He has been a supporter of mobile technologies, including the use of cell phones for educational applications in the classroom. He has been credited with bridging the gap between educators and technology specialists, while keeping in mind the best interests of students. Shareski has helped the district navigate its way through a number of challenging technological decisions including allowing access to wireless networks, incorporating social networking tools and developing an Internet policy that recognizes teachers as the primary filter of content. A global leader in his field, Shareski was singled out for his strong vision of the future and for his ability to see the potential of students, teachers and schools.
Recent Tweets and Messages:
I have to say that when I was running a conference we had Dean as our keynote speaker and it was one of the best keynotes I’ve ever heard. It was at the beginning of the school year and the theme carried on all year long and beyond. The best part was, I didn’t have to keep promoting his message because our staff ran with it themselves. It was the right message, at the right time, and Dean delivered it with class, humor, and heart. He didn’t ask for this endorsement but I felt compelled to give it anyway. Brett Clark
We were so lucky to have you present at our Opening Day to all staff and regularly work with our teachers and administrators. You made us better. I look foreword to the next chapter. Thanks for your leadership and friendship over the last 8 years. #westvaned
— Chris Kennedy (@chrkennedy) October 30, 2019
You’ve helped shape the culture of my school. Best wishes!
— Jessi Anderson (@jessiruns) October 30, 2019
Thanks for a great session today, @shareski. Really dynamic, fun, and valuable for immediately application. You know your audience and can work a crowd. #bestofISTE @iste
— David Paszkiewicz (@mrpasz) June 25, 2018
Thanks @shareski for the fantastic sessions today!! Still thinking and reflecting hours after…
— Shelley LaCroix (@Shelley_LaCroix) March 9, 2018
Reading @shareski Culture of Joy is like having my heart laid out before me on paper! A must Read! @CharMeckSchools @cms_pl #MHMS #joy #tlap
— Justin Owens (@MrOwens_Math) August 2, 2017
Inspiring talk from @shareski has me excited to get back to the classroom tomorrow 🤗 #LCEEQ2017
— Lashiah De Clou (@TeacherLashiah) February 14, 2017
Another fantastic session by @shareski, this one on storymaking – I always leave his sessions feeling so inspired. #tcea17
— Jeff Hoeppner (@bluebomber6) February 8, 2017
Brilliantly inspiring presentation on bringing joy back to learning by Dean @Shareski #iOnTheFuture
— Eric Mazur (@eric_mazur) August 20, 2016
@shareski @Javarich @OrganicLeaderVB Dean, you have no idea how your words from the @VSTE conf carried me through last spring! Thank you!
— Tamara Letter (@HCPSTinyTech) September 1, 2016
Hundreds of conferences attended, yet one of THE best speakers remains: @shareski Informative, Entertaining, Relatable, Powerful. #LHRICTLI
— Erin Klein (@KleinErin) January 22, 2016
Have always appreciated @shareski’s authentic, real voice. Hearing his Ignite talk is no different than his writing. Awesome. #igniteDEN
— Lisa Mueller (@bitovageek) May 8, 2015
@shareski Fantastic and inspiring keynote at the eSymposium. Thank you for sharing such rich examples of learning with your students.#esymp
— Jackie Waller (@Jackie_Waller) October 28, 2014
I enjoyed @shareski message at #neta14 @odiep77 Love when a great keynote still inspires months later!
— Ann Feldmann (@annfeldmann1) June 10, 2014
Dean Shareski was all I was hoping he would be. Real. Funny. Made me think. @TechTeacherTLP @shareski
— Jim Homan (@jimhoman) April 25, 2014
Agreed. “@mrbadura: @shareski just gave the Best. Keynote. Ever. at #neta14”
— Josh Allen (@j_allen) April 25, 2014
@shareski just did one of the best keynotes I have ever heard – thank you for the inspiration #wemta14 My kids thank you too
— Pernille Ripp (@pernilleripp) March 24, 2014
@shareski Thanks for the smiles & the wisdom shared! You are an inspiration.
— Rachel Thompson (@RachelT_ASD) April 3, 2014
@shareski is a great speaker. Makes it fun. I know I would want to be around him. — Bob Jackman (@bobjackman) April 3, 2014
@shareski You were a complete inspiration!!! Thank you for all the JOY!!! #WEMTA14 — Susan Siel (@SusyKenosha) March 26, 2014
And here folks is why I could listen to @shareski talk all day!! He’s so brilliant & funny! #iste13 — Rafranz Davis (@RafranzDavis) June 23, 2013
@shareski is simply an AWESOME keynote speaker. Go listen to him if you ever get the chance #UPLOAD2012
— Michael Quinn (@neurophilomath) October 5, 2012
Best individual blog: Dean Shareski is a bit like the trickster raven in aboriginal mythology: sometimes he plays jester, but pay attention! Dean’s posts always make me think. He pushes me to reflect. I have learned a lot from his blog, in his open classroom sessions, in K-12 online presentations, and yes, on Twitter. (Jan Smith, nominated me for best educational blog of 2009)
Dean’s twitter feed is a place for a giggle, interrupted intermittently by work stuff. Dean’s blog Ideas and Thoughts takes a more serious tone and I always find that he strikes a nice chord between being agitated by inaction and maintaining a rational productive approach to improving education and communities (Rhoni Mcfarlane, Nov, 2013)
Not sure if you know it or not, but I’m a pretty big fan of Dean Shareski, a Canadian #edtech guru who has changed my own thinking about teaching and learning over the past few years. Bill Ferriter, Dec, 2011
Dean’s a master of considerate, but direct, conversation. He has a backbone and a great sense of humour, and very little in the way of ego involvement. Rick Schwier June, 2011
I am a big fan of Dean’s presentations, all of which help to put Canada on the map for innovative approaches to education and learning. (Melanie McBride, May 2010)
I wanted to let you know the kinds of comments I’ve received about Dean’s presentation to communicators in Yorkton on Friday. The words “phenomenol”, “awesome” and “superstar” came up – and one of those came from a fellow who’s usually quite “unimpressable”. If you believe actions speak louder than words – the Sask School Boards Assoc just set up a Facebook and Twitter page! Dawn Blaus Prairie South Communications Coordinator
Shareski does a great job of stimulating your thinking. He blogs on various educational ideas and controversies and his site is a great place to keep abreast of what the most powerful educators and educational bloggers are currently brainstorming about. The laid-back manner in which he writes makes reading his work very comfortable and safe (especially for those who might be insecure in their ability to keep up). (Cable in the Classroom, May 2009)
One of our most decorated EdTech bloggers, author Dean Shareski is a professional Digital Learning Consultant with a Masters in Education and Technology. His posts range from amusing, to informative, to downright avant-garde. For example, his blog includes an interview with an educator who live streams his elementary school classroom 24/7. (Yes, really!) Shareski is amazingly knowledgeable in the area of EdTech, but what comes across most about this blog is the author’s desire not to bring technology into the classroom, but to bring active, alert, delighted learners into the classroom. Perhaps the post that most clearly articulates that intent is this one on bringing joy into teaching. Really though, this maxim resonates through everything Sharesk writes, and this refreshing mentality is what puts Ideas and Thoughts in a class of its own. DreamBox Learning
Dean delivered the keynote address for the award winning Flat Classroom Project 2007 ( He did an exceptional job with the keynote video but also, interacted with the students involved and took the whole project to a higher level when he responded to the student inquiries about how to use green screen. Dean did amazing, transformational work in a very short period of time and went far above and beyond our initial request. He is a very motivational speaker whether via video or in his writing. I highly recommend him as a person who will promote change and also has his finger on the pulse of transformational educational practice. I highly recommend Dean. Vicki Davis
I would like you to know that Dean Shareski is worth his weight in gold. I made it my personal PD goal this year to becaome more techno savy and really get my kids involved with learning using new methods. I have been pumped all year about the things I’m doing and what my kids are doing. The reason I am having so much fun and learning so much is in a word DEAN. He has been so helpful, patient and fun. I have told him this several times but I just wanted to make it public. Sophie Rosso in an email to my supervisor
We are very grateful for his support. He visits our classroom, talks to the students about their feelings and experiences with the hand-held computers, shares resources with Mr. Mc. and myself, deals with budget issues and meets with us regularly to discuss progress and build on the project. He is very willing to experiment and try new things, open to challenges and very knowledgeable about technology and education.Lucia Dalgarno
Dean Shareski (from Prarie South SD) came in yesterday to share information with us. I just wanted to point to his blog here. In my opinion, Dean is one of the best thinkers in the area of educational technology and learning in our province, if not the greater worldwide context. He often shares excellent ideas on his blog so I strongly suggest for you to take a look at it regularly, or even better, add it to your Bloglines account…Alec Couros
Dean is a terrific presenter, and he was able to approach the complex topic in a way that was appealing to the attendees, many who were teachers…Alec Couros
We’re very lucky to have Dean Shareski teach one of our sections this summer. He’s doing an excellent job and I can’t wait to borrow heavily from his approach (and content) Alec Couros
I’m listening and watching a VERY cool screencast presentation by Dean Shareski explaining Why You Need RSS. It’s sooo comprehensive if you’re shaky when explaining RSS…I certainly am. And now I know that I’m NOT USING RSS to the fullest. But the screencast is awesome because it’s a podcast with some visuals to boot. I love this stuff!…Amy Bowllan
Great session, and really well done by Dean. There was a lot of buzz afterwards about how this could aid with the always present problem of sharing information in education…Rob Wall
Dean Shareski is fighting the good fight for the credibility of Wikis, and specifically Wikipedia in the latest edition of “Learning & Leading With Technology”. Read Dean’s elegant prose; watch as he wins a point-counterpoint argument with Carol Ann Winker — hands down in my opinion…Rick Schwier
…good thinking and good conversations always emerge from Dean’s blog….Anne Davis
I think that the example that Shareski used is right on target in illustrating the problem with the “Integrating Technology” story.…David Warlick
Dean Shareski, who is always a fount of new thoughts and ideas….Clarence Fisher
These (Dean and Darren Kuropatwa) Canadians are really on top of developments in our web 2.0 powered educational environment …Wes Fryer
I am so thrilled we are able to share, foster and permeate such great talent, and take advantage of the work of such a dedicated educator. This is what 21st century learning is all about! Kudos and thank you to Dean!…Julie Lindsay
Aesthetics is the focus of his “Design Matters” presentation, and if you only watch one K12 presentation, this is the one I’d recommend…Clay Burell
If you have not seen this work of art yet from the creator of “Design Matters” you need to see it. From the first slide to the last you will be mesmerized by the creativity of image choice and the text involved……He is one of the most giving edubloggers in the world. if you are fortunate enough to have him in your network you will understand why. He is a prolific commenter and is giving of himself when it comes to giving advice. Chris Harbeck
Dean is one of a collection of Canadian Edubloggers that is always pressing the envelope – not by pushing technology (altho he does) but by examining the practice in meaningful and metacognitive ways. Nathan Lowell