Well, here it is, the moment you’ve been waiting for.
2017 will be my 10th year of taking a photo a day. It’s partly an act of mindfulness, partly documentation and by now pretty much a habit. While many people have on occasion, taken on this task, few have done it for as long and I don’t know many who take the photos and package them in any way. This year’s edition was about a 4-hour effort. I don’t do a whole lot of editing anymore, simply drop them in and do a bit of tweaking as needed, find some decent soundtracks and publish. At some point, I’ll force all my family members to watch it and we’ll be on to 2017. I actually go back every so often and look at past years. Taking 20 minutes or so to remember all the mostly great things that happened is a nice way to reflect and share a journey and you’ll certainly see what things are important to me.
While I’m certainly privileged to travel and see some amazing places, keep in mind I was doing this before my current life of travel. New and beautiful places are great but just as meaningful are the everyday moments at home, with family and friends. Some of you reading this will see yourselves in the video. I can’t imagine anyone watching all 20 minutes but here it is just in case. For all of you that I crossed paths with in 2016, thank you. You helped make it a wonderful year for me.
2016 in Photos and Video from shareski on Vimeo.
Still want more? Here are all the videos from previous years. While I can’t imagine anyone besides me wanting to watch them, consider it proof.
2010 (aka, the year I tried something crazy)