Guitar Lesson 2

It's been 2 weeks since I started my learning project. I've got a few students who are already off and running. Cole is going to tackle Japanese, Dan wants to make sushi and Nicole wants to crochet to name three. With 21 students, I'm curious to see where their learning takes them. 

As per usual, when I come up with an idea, I don't always have it all mapped out and don't foresee potential pitfalls. One student suggested she wanted to get in better physical shape. We had a brief discussion about how that may not fit with the spirit of the project as it needs to have a fair degree of cognitive processing and reflection. We discussed that learning a skill or discipline like yoga may be a better fit as it requires you to think and learn as opposed to simply creating a habit. I'm not sure I offered her the right language but I know I need to be more clear about what I mean by learning. Given this is the first go, I hope to repeat the process again with students and will undoubtedly learn lessons.

My own learning is being documented via video. Students can choose any means by which to reflect. I hope the reflections include personal struggles and triumphs but also examination of the experience itself as  a student. Thinking about learning. 

Here's me after 2 weeks of learning the guitar. 


As you can see, I've got a long ways to go but that's okay, I like learning stuff, being doing it since 1964, (see what did there?)