A Powerful Learning Opportunity

One of the most powerful things I’ve been part of recent years is the opportunity I’ve had to connect pre-service teachers with experienced classroom teachers via an online mentorship. This has transformed many young people and offered them an experience to work with great teachers from around the world and observe first hand what it means to use technology to amplify and enhance learning through technology.

This video illustrates one example of what happened last term as Carey Pohanka and one of my students worked together. If you were one of those students or teachers impacted by this mentorship program, please feel free to leave a comment as well.

I’ve written about it before here so I won’t go into any more detail other than to invite you to be a part of this experience from September to December. If you’re interested, fill out this form and I’ll get back to you. Thanks.


7 thoughts on “A Powerful Learning Opportunity

  1. Pingback: Twitted by erinmisegadis

  2. Pingback: Twitted by courosa

  3. Curby Alexander

    These kinds of learning experiences really are powerful for preservice teachers. I taught a class during my last year as a doc student where preservice teachers were paired with an inservice teacher, then planned, implemented and evaluated a tech-based project aligning with the teacher’s curriculum. I think in terms of nudging preservice teachers toward tech use in their own classrooms, these authentic experiences are very effective. The hands-on “community of practice” approach also aligns with frameworks established by Everett Rogers (diffusion of innovations) and Peggy Ertmer for the adoption of new ideas. This is one of the best applications I’ve seen of Google Earth, too. I’ve been reluctant in showing it to my preservice teachers because once the coolness wears off, I struggle to find educational uses of the tool. I will definitely bookmark this video for future lessons.
    .-= Curby Alexander´s last blog ..Unrolling Prezi =-.

  4. Mike Domerese

    While I am not a college professor, I just loved the short video clip I just saw. These are things I had already planned to implement into my classroom this year, particularly using google earth to do just like you did. (Giving the kids a look at what it really looks like. I also have a plan to try and hook up with teachers in other countries this year to do things very similar to the “Did you know videos,” and even try and get a live video feed up and running with them! Glad to see great minds think a like and I also now see how well it works. Thank you!

  5. Dave Ferguson

    I taught high school English decades ago at a rural high school in Kansas. One of my colleagues, a Kansas native, had gone to Kansas State U. in Manhattan, Kansas, with a guy from Manhattan in New York City.

    Frank, in addition to growing up in Harlem and playing football at K-State, was a poet. He visited my class. Most of the students had met only one other black person, none of them knew anyone from New York, and none of them had met a poet.

    This brief video underscores how teachers can choose to transcend limitations of geography and opportunity. “What happened at school today?” “We talked about a class of kids in Malaysia” — an almost unimaginable country becomes as vivid as the neighboring country.
    .-= Dave Ferguson´s last blog ..Shareski’s not-top list and the rage of Achilles =-.

  6. Pingback: Have Students, Will Outsource | Ideas and Thoughts from an EdTech

  7. Pingback: Looking for a few good mentors | Ideas and Thoughts

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