What Do We Keep and What Do We Throw Away?

I've got a couple of keynotes coming up and submitted this as the title. I'm good at that; coming up with a title and then figuring out what to say. I realize that's probably the worst way to develop something but that's how I roll.

I tend to rely as much as possible on others to help me with this stuff. Call it lazy or smart, whatever, that's also how I roll. 

I began by posting this question to the twitter. 

Lots of great responses came in.

Thanks for the great responses everyone.

As you can see there are some patterns. These are really helpful to me as I try and connect the dots in my own thinking as well as try and develop a coherent presentation of ideas to share with others. 

In fairness, twitter does restrict ideas from being fully developed and yet it requires the reader to do a bit of thinking and meaning making on their own. But I do want to provide this space to continue the conversation and perhaps clarify my intent and thinking.

Many of the ideas of what to keep, in my mind are actually fairly new practices. Things like project based learning, teacher collaboration are not yet entrenched in schools but indeed many are moving this way. Part of my talk hopes to illicit deep rooted practices and beliefs about teaching and learning that we need to continue and indeed are classroom practices as opposed to system type practices and policies. My goal is to expose teachers to some new ideas, which I have plenty of, but also to remind them of great things they've always done and should continue to do.

If you have a moment, please let me know about educational practices and experiences that you had that were positive and that you feel we ought not to lose sight of as well as ones you feel are still happening that need to be ditched.  Feel free to expand on ideas already posted above or offer some new ones.