Things I ought to blog about

Thanks Wes for guest blogging. As usual, your prolific blogging is something I can match but nice to have you showcase your talents.

I’ve been traveling for the past week and am now in Boston at the BLC conference. (I”m actually in Will Richardson’s session as I type). I’ve got some things I should write about and don’t want to lose them. Here’s a few:

  1. Why the Amish are an example of a great community
  2. The tools in action….mixing and matching a million tools
  3. Fenway rocks
  4. Meeting Seeing old friends for the first time (Darren, Will, David, Barbara, Joyce, Ewan…still having seen him yet, Bob and more)
  5. Elluminating learning with David Jakes and Wes Fryer

My head is full but that’s a good thing.