2014 Year in Photos/Videos

It’s just another story caught up
In another photograph I found.
And it seems like another person lived that life A great many years ago from now,

When I look back on my ordinary, ordinary life,
I see so much magic, though I missed it at the time.

Welcome to year 7 of my annual year in photos montage. In case you missed it, here are the previous renditions:

2010 (aka, the year I tried something crazy)

And while there are probably too many jumping,dog, golf and family/friend dinner photos, it’s my life and story. In some ways, very ordinary as the lyrics above state and yet I fully understand how fortunate and blessed I am to be able to travel and live the life I do. I continue to capture moments everyday as an act of mindfulness and gratitude. I have no plans to stop anytime soon.

2014 year in photos from shareski on Vimeo.

From a technical perspective, I used imovie to put it together. It’s pretty easy to put all my photos/videos as I tag them with 36514 and next year with 36515. By default, they come in with the Ken Burns effect. I’ve seen a few slideshows using this effect and often times people just leave the pan and zoom that it defaults to. I think this is a mistake in that the pan and zoom effect is intended to point to and reveal specific aspects of the photo. Keeping that in mind, I try to be intentional with every image. Sometimes using the full image and other times subtly moving in or out or across. It is by no means a masterpiece but simply being intentional makes it more watchable. I watch a few frames at a time to determine if a transition is needed or if I can just use a straight cut. In addition I do try occasionally to syncopate the music to the images/videos as well. Typically I’ve used creative commons music but this year I decided to use copyright music. The reason is that Youtube has made clear how they will handle it. In other words, it’s not illegal. They will let you know exactly how they will handle every song. You simply acknowledge the content ID match and you’ll know which countries may not play it or if you can monetize.

The “slideshow” montage is one of the most common media productions you’ll see at funerals, weddings and for many school projects. In large part because it’s relatively simply to create. Making them compelling and interesting is more difficult. I would never recommend creating something for the public that is over 3-4 minutes. Mine is 27 minutes long but it’s mostly for me, a bit for my family and if you’re able to watch it all, that’s a bonus. Having spent upwards of 12 hours putting it together, it’s a labour of love and all those images remind me of what I have. Happy 2015 to you all.

Update: Unbeknownst to me, youtube stripped the audio so the embed is now from vimeo.

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