The Ukulele Project

Another gem from the Spark podcast. Listen to this 3 minute story about the Ukulele Project.


There are so many powerful ideas packed into this story.

  • Geography is largely eliminated from the learning equation. These stories continue to emerge from isolated communities that realize there are opportunities to be found and are willing to find them.  Isolation may be the mother of invention when it comes to connected with others.
  • The teacher's recognition that there may be others in a better position to teach his students is key. The teacher became the network administrator in providing his students with other experts.
  • People want to share. The fact that other ukulele players flocked to provide instruction and share their passions continues to be the theme of the social web.
  • Music matters. While not a direct message in this story, research is clear about the value of music in learning. Learning an instrument requires complex thinking.
  • Modeling how to learn. These students have been given a powerful lesson in teaching themselves. Having access to a variety of people/resources will serve them well in their future.

I think I've mentioned this before but if you haven't already subscribed to Spark, go do it now.

*Disclaimer: I am not paid by Spark, however I'm sure my tax dollars help pay them. So in that regard, I'm part owner. 😉