A Day in the Life

Inspired by Clarence Fisher’s keynote and Doug Belshaw’s response, I thought I’d take a crack at creating a day in the life video. Their videos painted a clearer picture of the work they do and helped me not only appreciate their work but better connect with them as part of my network.

I’ve been wanting to do this for a while but have been thinking about narcissism.  I don’t want my blog to become an online journal on “the life of dean”. Why would anyone want to post a video of themselves working? What value is there? I get really excited about a lot of stuff but For me, it’s about thinking about things I find interesting and helpful. I write about my learning, experiences and beliefs and ideas. I think I’ve achieved that balance. (fingers crossed)

I do think that there is a need out there for better examples of “showing what it looks like”. The blogosphere is still too text bias for me.  I want more windows into classrooms and learning. Chris Lehman’s recent broadcast of a classroom provided me a nice picture of kid’s thinking. I want more of that. I’ve made a few attempts but need to do more.

One of my favourite Seinfeld quotes from George Costanza:…”if you take everything I’ve ever done in my entire life and condense it down into one day, it looks decent.” This day has been condensed into 16 minutes.. Which I perhaps could have edited down but I got lazy.

So without further ado, I give you a day in the life of me.

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8 thoughts on “A Day in the Life

  1. Rob Wall

    Great video, Dean. It feels like we’re hanging out for a day, and it is a great overview of a day in the life of an ed-tech. That would be a good topic for a future podcast, do you think?

    You mention going over signing up for accounts for Google and Wikispaces. I’ve got a Google Account how-to screencast at http://www.screencast.com/t/7SF4WalqW and a couple of screencasts for using Google Docs at http://www.screencast.com/t/D0v7QKuKn and http://screencast.com/t/Wh36lVZf (Jing is the coolest!)

  2. Gary

    Cool video just bought a flip video. Watching your video from Abu Dhabi reminded me of Edson, Alberta!! Nice to see a Horton’s moment as well.

  3. Pingback: A Day in the Life | interesting videos

  4. Amy Bowllan

    Dean, this idea is inspiring and opens up a wealth of possibilities – especially in the realm of the power of video. Ironically, you mention narcissism. You MUST get the book, Why is it Always About You, by Sandy Hotchkiss. Her insights are incredibly accurate.


  5. Pingback: links for 2007-12-07 « The View From My Window

  6. Darren Kuropatwa

    Finally found some time to watch this. It’s fascinating to get an “inside” look at a day in your life. Glad you did it. Between you, Clarence and Doug you’ve inspired me to give it a go too. After the holidays I’m going to try to do one of these too, but I think mine is going to be a slidecast. 😉

  7. Pingback: The Thinking Stick » Blog Archive » Episode 1: A Day in the Life

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