Lesson #1 Share…The Presentation

I talked about this presentation back in January and had the opportunity to share it last week in Saskatoon. I had many nice comments about this and hope it challenges people. I didn’t record it so sat down and rattled off a 23 minute presentation based on my slide deck.

20 thoughts on “Lesson #1 Share…The Presentation

  1. Pingback: Rick’s Café Canadien » Blog Archive » Share-ski lives up to his name

  2. angelesb

    Excellent presentation!
    Make me aware about the importance of living (in real Life)
    There’s a family always waiting but they need quality time, too:-)
    Thanks for sharing

  3. James Sigler

    I really enjoyed your presentation. Slideshow is a great model for how they should be done ie. big ideas vs bullets on a slide. I understand Twitter more now. I’m on Twitter, but I don’t really get the value of Twitter. After watching your presentation, it seems like you are saying that is much more personal than blogs.
    It is snippets of people’s lives in your online network. Twitter is like first-hand observations or pieces of the primary sources from my network. Almost like our networks are living, breathing organisms with each network personalized, growing, and changing every day. Twitter takes the pulse of the network.
    Ok, too deep, but thanks for the epiphany about Twitter.

    James Siglers last blog post..Super easy movie maker

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  5. Pingback: Open Monologue » You can’t spell ‘Shareski’ without ‘Share’

  6. Anamaria Camargo

    That was a very inspiring presentation. I wish I could have seen live. Thanks a lot! : )

    Anamaria Camargos last blog post..

  7. Dave Ferguson

    I like this a lot — so much so I paused it when you talked about quality and quantity. Daniel Levitin, in This is Your Brain on Music, talks about research saying that expertise requires about 10,000 hours. To me this connects with your point that while quality is important, it’s also important that you’ve taken 4,000 photos, since the number of photos means you’re likely to improve.

    Jim Fuller said once that practice doesn’t make perfect; practice makes permanent. He was speaking about his bad golf swing which he acquired on his own (without a coach or instructor), and the difficulty he had in trying to correct the embedded bad practice.

    As you talked about the 4,000 photos, your earlier remarks on sharing and feedback sprang onto my mental screen. So I stopped the presentation to chime in. Thanks for the brain boost.

  8. Pingback: Open Monologue » Viral Professional Development in High Schools

  9. Miguel Guhlin

    Dean, this preso echoed many of the tenets of sharing that I hold. I enjoyed it all sitting on the couch. The part about picking out what you like to do the most resonated with me the most. In recent weeks, I find myself falling back into the surfing and Diigoing role, closed off in many ways from the network. The absence of the “input linkways”–to give the network interfaces another name–bothers me but I have to admit I’m enjoying reclaiming part of my time. Yet, even as I reclaim that, I’m starting to stumble upon bloggable moments.

    Thanks for sharing and kicking some sparks off the old rock-head (mine)!

    BTW, this is why I keep my Share More! wiki (http://mguhlin.net/share) going…

    Warm regards from San Antonio,

    Miguel Guhlin
    Around the Corner

    Miguel Guhlins last blog post..1

  10. Liz Davis

    The more I share the better I feel. Thanks Dean for articulating so well (as you always do) how important and rewarding it is to share our ideas and resources. I recently shared a lot of my tutorials on Web 2.0 tools on a wiki: http://21ctools.wikispaces.com/ The positive responses I received were amazing. It feels so good to know that my work is benefiting so many people.

    Thank you for all that you share. Your work is an inspiration to us all.

    Liz Daviss last blog post..This I Believe…

  11. Dean Shareski Post author

    Miguel and Liz,

    Both of you continue to model this as well as anyone.


    I wondered where you were hiding out. 😉

  12. Pingback: Ideas and Thoughts from an EdTech » Blog Archive » Lesson #1 Share…The Presentation Video

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