Two conferences at the same venue in two weeks. Last week’s conference focused on higher education and this week’s on K-12. There was somewhat of a different feel partly due to the crowd, there is a palpable difference between those in higher education and those in K-12.
One clear difference was the use of keynotes. Tlt 2010 had the keynote speakers offer one session then simply mingle and participate in the conference. While they obviously shared less and wer not the focal point, their presence was a great asset to the conversational nature of the conference. For IT Summit 2010, both Bernajean Porter and Will Richardson were worked pretty hard doing 2 and 3 sessions in addition to their keynotes.
Outside of my own session and one other, I spend my time in with the keynotes. Although my district only had between 15-20 participants, I’m curious to see who and how others respond to the messages that were shared. In general, questions focused more on “help me make this shift” as opposed to “I’m not sure I agree with where this is going”. The latter view would be more the tone of Tlt. On a personal note, although I was on the organizing committee I was thrilled someone else we bring in Will. Certainly as someone who presents the message of shifts about as well as anyone, it was important for folks to hear him speak. While I’ve heard Will speak often, the freshness and currency in which he contextualizes the new landscape of learning is always engaging.
As I mentioned, I was able to introduce Will and for the record, here are the comments some of you offered:
Will and I closed the conference with a slightly sloppy, cool tools duel. I announced we were playing for Will’s ipad. I think I won. He reneged.
At any rate, I’m hoping for more conversations locally. We’ll see.