Google just keeps getting better

Anyone who has read my blog regularly knows how I feel about Google Earth. It is all that and more. I spent an hour today listening to Hall Davidson and learned a few more tricks to add to the toolbox.

Just now I found out that Google Maps now offers online mashups that are incredibly easy to create.  Made this map in about a minute and easily embedded flickr images.

I’ve decided to offer some sessoins in our division for teachings interested in developing content and learning opportunities for students. I truly believe every teacher needs to be able to use this either to use existing files and resources or create their own. I’m considering 3 half days over 3 weeks to help teachers develop this for a variety of classroom purposes.

In addition, I’ll be presenting at Alan November’s Building Learning Communities this summer in Boston. Although my session is called, “Moving beyond the WoW factor…” that’s going to be tough. I’ve been using it since its inception and I still am awed.

3 thoughts on “Google just keeps getting better

  1. J.D. Williams

    (I tried leaving this same comment but it didn’t go through. So you may get this twice.)

    If you have teachers start making their own placemarks, please encourage them to share them on the GE community. I am surprised at how little the educators thread is updated.

    I’m sure you already know about these, but here are some really good threads with a bunch of great information:

    Multimedia Maps
    Using United Streaming in GE
    One I made: Geometry Lesson – Shapes
    Probably the best one: UK Primary Curriculum – Lessons and Resources

  2. Dean Shareski Post author

    Thanks for the comments. The reason it didn’t appear immediately is because my spam filter moderates comments containing more than 2 links but thanks for the resources…love your blog!

  3. John Martin

    Hey Dean,

    If you have the time, I’d love to get together and chat. I won’t be able to attend the November Learning Conference as we are hosting our Pakistani Institute during that time but I’d love to sneak away long enough to chat.

    Let me know if your schedule would permit.



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