Web 2.0 Barriers Results

While the survey will continue to be open, I’m going to analyze the results received.

37 Respondents ranging from administrators, consultants, coordinators and teachers. Overall I nice cross section of folks within K-12. Here are the results including my own observations for whatever they’re worth:

How did you first come to start using Web 2.0 tools?

a. colleague introduced me 13%
b. personal exploration 54%
c. workshop/presentation 22%
d. other 11%

This tells me that no matter how time we spend promoting the value of these tools, that ultimately people need to spend time on their own sorting things out. Perhaps the question might have also been phrased, “How did you first come to hear about Web 2.0 tools?” The conference/presentation item may have represented a greater number. In any case the learning that is crystalized for me is help provide time for exploration. Many of these I’m sure where a result of grad classes that was also mentioned 3 times from the other category.

Which Web 2.0 tool is most important to you?

a. blogs 27%
b. rss 41%
c. wikis 8%
d. podcasts 3%

e. social bookmarking 5%
f. other 16%

Not surprising to me, every category got at least one vote. Tells me how important that all these tools receive attention and are considered valuable depending on their use and situation. I too choose RSS as the key tool as it provides the glue to all these.

In your opinion, why aren’t more educators using Web 2.0 tools?

a. lack of understanding 54%
b. lack of time 8%
c. lack of conviction 16%
d. unsure of how to implement 3%

e other 19%

What is surprising here is that although, folks citing personal exploration as their in to using the tools, it wasn’t considered the barrier here. While I tend to agree with many of the other responses that choose all of the above, I think lack of conviction is an issue we need to address. One of the guiding principles our school division is incorporating social learning into classrooms. I think most teachers recognize change is happening. It’s hard to miss it. They may not understand the implications to the classrooms but once they recognize the possibilities for their kids, it’s hard to ignore. I’m not convinced teachers think flat classrooms will make much difference. To that end, I’ve begun a series called Conversations on Change. This Tuesday interested teachers will be gathering to chat with Darren Kuropatwa to discuss his approach to teaching and learning.

What would you say is the best way to help educators fully utilize the tools of Web 2.0?

a. encouragement/support from administration 5%
b. workshops/training 16%
c. mentorship in small groups 60%
d other 19%

Here are what the “others” were:

  • Hold them accountable as professionals. Would you visit a Dr. who wasn’t up to speed with modern medicine?
  • Facilitation from a technology person who is within the building.
  • Mentoring_+ practical use in action research- reflecting on their learning
  • all listed plus time for development and effective use
  • It has to be supported but that isn’t enough, change has to be required and checked on regurlarly.
  • have to bring a professional reading to staff meeting monthly and then show them bloglines/netvibes etc
  • Requiring them to learn and use one new technology tool a year, with demonstrable evidence that they are doing so

I really like the idea of small groups. Many of us started out on our own and are quite fine with our online connections. It sure is nice to have these discussions with folks you work with everyday. I think there are also some great ideas from the others category.

Thank you to all who participated. Most of this confirms my belief but there were some things I hadn’t considered to be as important as others.

[tags]survey, web2.0, education[/tags]

2 thoughts on “Web 2.0 Barriers Results

  1. Kelly Christopherson

    Some good information. I was surprised by how many of these people found the information for themselves. Could it be that this initial group are the forerunners and, to grow any more, they will have to be the ones that do the introductions? Will things grow anymore if we let others just discover or will there now be a need to spread the news more than before? Then, to do the small groups, you will need people who are working with the tools which, if you look, aren’t being done to any real extent. Now, I’d say your school division is ahead of some of the others with the focus you have on the social learning. Some of us are a bit jealous ! I was a bit surprised by the RSS. I’ve found that it is a double-edge sword. It is good to know what is going on but you can become very overwhelmed and, if you become busy, it requires daily attention that most people aren’t able to give to it. Thanks for the information!

  2. Scott


    Thanks for putting this together. Bloggers are a talkative demographic, and happy to explain in elegant detail what motivates them to write, as we saw in Scott McLeod’s survey. Those who haven’t taken the leap are less voluble—the silent majority—which suggests we should listen that much more closely to what they have to say. It’s valuable to have a survey that addresses the other side of the coin.

    In fact, I’m working right now with a group of colleagues on designing a blogging research project. The feedback about small-group mentoring as a way to support educators in utilizing Web 2.0 is something we may integrate into our plan. Thanks for pointing us in the right direction.

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