I’ve just completed my session on RSS to an audience of about 30. All in all, I think I was able to convey the message that RSS is not a geeky idea but a tool designed to connect to people and manage information.
Here’s a link to a screencast of the first 20 minutes. I used a modified “lessig” approach…very modified.
The audio quality is quite poor on the screencast since I used the built in mic on the laptop. So I’ve added an mp3 of the whole session. It’s about 50 minutes and I’ll call it my 9th Podcast
Two highlights
Hi Dean. I am playing around with blogs, RSS’ etc. Thanks for the presentation. It really got me thinking about the ed applications to this as well as the professional development stuff. How did you record your session? I noticed Windows Media Encoder on your screen?
I did use Windows Media Encoder. Easy peasy.
I’ve used it before for software or how to demos but hadn’t recorded a presentation. Not sure I’d do it the same way again as the audio was poor, largely due to using the built in mic. My mp3 recording was better but I was too lazy to mix the two. Encoder is good but I’d probably prefer to have it in flash.
You certainly made RSS very easy to understand. I guess I never really “got it” until I fully listened to your pod/screencast. Thanks,
Amy Bowllan