New font for dyslexics

I have a lot of teachers in primary grades looking for fonts that best replicate written work. They often use comic sans as it best reflects student writing, espescially the “a”.

Here’s a site that claims it will help students with dyslexia.

There has been growing innovation to combat dyslexia, especially
for children, in the form of computer software. However, relatively
little design research has been done in the area of typography
and type design that might support dyslexics. Read Regular is
a typeface designed specifically to help people with dyslexia read
and write more effectively.

The basic premise is to create suddle differences in “b” and “d” for example to create distinction.

It’s not available yet but there is contact information for those interested.

One thought on “New font for dyslexics

  1. Liz Ditz

    It is a common misunderstanding that dyslexics have a visual perceptual anomaly that results in reversed letters.

    Typeface readability is nothing new. This face is pleasant looking — more appealing to me for example than comic sans — but will not do anything to help a child read.

    Try the FAQs about dyslexia from IDA

    FAQs about dyslexia

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