Will Richardson’s PDF file on using RSS demonstrates a great tool for subscribing to Google News feeds for any search you like. I created a feed for schools+blogs+education. Today it led me to this story from The Standard Democrat.
I fear we might be putting out fires for quite a while. Here’s some poignant quotes from the article:
“Blogging” is keeping and posting a personal journal or log online.
We know it’s a whole lot more than that.
“I don’t know a thing about it but the kids know about it,” Steve Borgsmiller, superintendent of the Sikeston R-6 school district, said of Xanga and online blogging. “Through word of mouth it is common knowledge to those kids who are regular users of the Internet.”
As a superintendent, I hope someone in his district will enlighten him.
Sikeston schools are among those across the nation that do not allow Xanga to be accessed. Students must sign an “appropriate use” document to use the school’s computers and Internet access, according to Borgsmiller, and online blogging is not among the appropriate uses. “The school’s computers are for educational purposes, not for entertainment,” he said.
Online blogging is not among the appropriate uses? Direct them to Mike.
I think these situations require some caution and delicacy as Steve D. has pointed out but I don’t want these issues to pass without discussion.
Anyone have a fire extinguisher handy?
Awesome post! That was a good read