I like double dipping. And lest you think it's gross, Jamie and Adam busted that myth. But that's not the kind of double dipping I'm talking about. I've been blessed over the years to be able to work on projects and ideas that serve multiple purposes, people and organizations.
A few months ago my boss asked me to find a way to capture the many successes and initiatives that we've been involved with in our school district since 2006. We have an internal sense of the stuff we've done but haven't told the story in a way that is easy to tell and easy to update. In January I joined the ds106 course on digital storytelling. Time to double dip.
I've been using Alan's 50 Ways in more than 50 ways in my work both at Prairie South and in teaching undergrads at the University of Regina. Upon turning people lose on these 50+ways they often showcase these tools in ways I hadn't considered. One of my students used a site called Dipity to showcase her learning journey in the class. That idea stuck with me and when I was asked to showcase the work of our IT department, I thought it would a great way to do so. As far as DS106, I've used a fair number of these tools in the past. I generally tell folks you'll find a few favourites and utilize them in multiple ways. That sometimes can be a problem as people take the hammer approach and use one tool to do too many things. In this case the timeline tool makes wonderful sense. There's still more to add but you get the idea.