Minor Renovations

Wet PaintAs my wife makes a number of renovations in our house, I’ve felt inspired to make a few to this blog. The recent upgrade to WordPress 2.5 (now 2.5.1) was as usual easy and as many know offers some very nice features. I’ve added a widget sidebar which is much easier to manage. WordPress now offers instant upgrades of plugins as well. You may also read this generatepress vs astra review if you’re looking for the best premium WordPress themes right now.

I took a page out of Clay’s blog and added two new plugins/widgets. Both honor and promote commenters who play such an important part of my learning. CommentLuv is a nice way to allow commenters to have their work promoted. The comments are often the most interesting part of any blog as witnessed by my last post. When I find a gem of a comment or even one that irritates or engages me in some way, I quickly want to find out more about that person and their perspective. While linking their name is usually good for me, I’m guessing many may not think to click. This way it’s more obvious. Those who aren’t interested in the promotion can turn it off but why would you? Also Top Commenters is another way to credit frequent visitors.

The renovations my wife has in mind are intended to create a more inviting area to entertain guests and share with our friends. Mine too.

24 thoughts on “Minor Renovations

  1. Dean Shareski Post author


    Parse simply means it will seek out your blog to determine what your latest post is, which in your case is one about Animoto.

  2. Cathy Nelson

    Well looks like the upgrade was hugely successful. Didn’t I see the top commenters the other day? I was actually somewhat embarrassed to see my name at the top, especially after all my unwarranted (or maybe warranted) popularity recently (which I really don’t want to go into.) You see, I came over when I saw how viral the Promethean Board/Smart Board post was going, thinking I’d add to the mix. That is when I saw the Top commenter list…

    But since I did decide to respond, I’ll chime in about the PB/SM argument, albeit in the wrong place. I worked in a district rich in technology, but poor in terms of teachers adopting the tools as an instructional component in their classrooms. Enter Promethean. One was even placed in the library. So I began making sure the teachers would see their students interacting with the board. Of course their response was kids could always do computers. So I sought out ways to help them — Pomethean Planet was a big part of it too. But when their kids began going back to class and asking why don’t you use your Activeslate or the eggs (activotes) this is when teachers began asking more. I am happy to report many of them have totally embraced their boards. I called a local technician, and for roughly $20 a room, we had our TV distribution system configured to go through the projectors. The classes involved with a Spanish teleclass suddently LOVED having a board sized TV. Being able to search for standards-based lesson was a big winner. AND the fact that teachers could download and modify, and in most cases improve shared material from Promethean Planet was also a big seller. Yes, I can still reflect on those who use it as a glorified wall sized worksheet–fill in the blank no less, but it is a beginning.

    I also write because the support at Promethean is phenominal. I was having a hard time getting my Slate to synch up. I jumped right in a forum. Before I knew it, the very next day 2 guys from CSI (the crew who installed our equipment) were at my school looking for me, and fixed the issue. I was stunned, and even voiced fear that i had incurred a bill for my school. They said no, but because of my description of the issue in the Promethean Forum, their boss called and sent them to correct it–it was not something I could fix. I must also give kudos to CSI, as they have been wonderful too.

    Last, while I am pleased with Promethean, I don’t think it is as important which brand you go with as it is what is done with it in the classroom. If I had to choose, I would definitely choose Promethean based on my experience. But if i had the option instead of having one to one laptops in my school, now that would be the ideal. But the tools and the technology won’t help until student engagement is addressed. The tools are one expensive way to address that, but they are definitely not a cure all. Engagement in the classroom is a mindset, and one far too few teachers worry about, tools or not. But I suppose that is another blog post to be written for some other day.

    Nows I want to see the Comment Luv parse my blog. Chris Craft is helping me get set up for my own domain–coming soon, maybe. I’m a slow learner on somethings.

  3. wmchamberlain

    I see the two widgets you added and now I am thinking about changing to wordpress. I think my class would be much more likely to post comments on the posts that I don’t require them to comment on. (Maybe if I quit reading other people’s blogs I won’t know what I am missing. Ignorance could be bliss?)

    wmchamberlains last blog post..Poster Contest Winners

  4. scmorgan

    I’ve been debating about moving to wordpress from typepad, but I didn’t want the trouble of switching everything. You do have so much more flexibility than I do, though! I do feel invited to share here:)

    scmorgans last blog post..According to Jane

  5. Sue Waters

    Looks like you and me were both doing blog cleaning yesterday when perhaps we should have been up to other tasks 🙂 . Saw the photo on Flickr with your wife painting and was thinking I could send hubby (who is a painter by trade) to help.

    I must admit I like the idea of the CommentLuv — it’s cool.

    Top commenter is interesting — not sure if I like or not. For example why is Wesley’s blog the only one that actually creates the link to his blog? It also makes me wonder what ratio of commenting you have on their blogs? Anyway probably thinking too deeply about it all.

    Sue Waterss last blog post..The Messy Aspects Of Blog Cleaning

  6. Dean Shareski Post author


    I”m not sure why Wes is hyperlinked other than maybe because he guest blogged for me and is a registered user of my site.

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  8. Kirschner

    Thanks for the good work guys,i am glad to see finally what you have been working on all these months

  9. Hostvipor

    I have been following up on this blog for a while and i find it very impressive. I plan to add it to my rss feeds

  10. markez linda

    I have been following up on this blog for a while and i find it very impressive. I plan to add it to my rss feeds

  11. Joe Standish

    Hello, i guess this is as good of a place as any to post and let you know. I went to subscribe to your RSS feed, and when i clicked it i got an error that said “Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING” followed by other gibberish that scrolled off the screen. I had to force the page to stop loading because it locked up my browser. Cheers.

  12. Jared

    Hi, I noticed that you have CommentLuv installed on your blog. This is a great plugin! I have installed it on my blog as well. So far the results have been amazing, although there are a few people out there(blackhatters) who have chosen to use this plugin for evil. But overall, it is one of the best plugins I have installed on my blog thus far! I look forward to reading more from you in the future!
    .-= Jared´s last blog ..What Is Black Hat Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? =-.

  13. Cathy Nelson

    Just in case people are not yet aware – beyond the classroom, Promethean’s integrated learning system also provides comprehensive training and support. Promethean Planet (www.PrometheanPlanet.com) is the largest online teacher forum for premium and interactive whiteboard content. Nearly 350,000 educators from around the world currently access and adapt downloadable flipcharts, participate in conversations on the forum and blog and share best practice to create fun, engaging lessons that capture both the imagination and attention of their students.

  14. Diane@ Miche Bag

    I really appreciate the fact that you really do like to reward your visiters who comment to your blog. It is nice when a plugin for WordPress comes out that has such nice features like Keyword Luv, Comment Luv and top Commentors. I really like the way you related this with your renovations of your home being done for your guest. Great Post

    .-= Diane@ Miche Bag´s last blog ..The Miche Purse =-.

  15. be your own boss

    Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.

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