Podcast 38 What is Twitter?

This podcast is a bit odd in that I take 3 episodes of TWIT and mix them up to highlight the discussions around twitter. I think it’s the best I’ve heard in helping form some understanding of this stupid, yet powerful thing. If you know nothing about twitter, I think this might help. If you use it, it should help clarify some things as well.

Here are the links to the full episodes in case you want more:

TWIT 134
TWIT 135
TWIT 136

Just doing a little filtering for ya.

Also I wasn’t happy with my audio, it sounds tinny. I used Audacity and really didn’t do much with the settings. I used a ClearChat Logitech USB microphone but it doesn’t sound great. Any advice?

5 thoughts on “Podcast 38 What is Twitter?

  1. Sue Waters

    Surely the issue is you have played with the settings in Audacity under Effects e.g. like noise reduction – that would be my first guess at the sound quality.

  2. Sue Waters

    I use Logitech headsets all the time but not the one you have used and never had this sound. Interesting and as you said the inbuilt microphone probably would have given you better sounds.

  3. Mark C

    I was getting a similar, tinny tone using my Microsoft USB headset and Audacity. It helped me to punch up the low and low mids with EQ and then compress it with Gigavox Levelator (freeware).

  4. Paul Harrington

    You may have an incorect default setting in the preferences – it should automatically be set to 44100 Hz but you may need to change this and listen to the repsonse, also equalizing can sometimes erradicate this issue – Audacity Tutorials http://audacityteam.org/wiki/index.php?title=Audacity_Wiki_Home_Page

    5) Next, set the volume level of your recording input. Click on the downward pointing arrow in the right hand (red) VU recording level meters:
    Meter Toolbar

    and click “Monitor Input” (or “Start Monitoring” in Audacity 1.3.3). While playing a loud part of your tape or record, adjust the input level slider on the Mixer Toolbar so the recording meters are almost reaching the right-hand end of the scale. Don’t let the meter bars actually reach the right edge, or the red hold lights to right of the meter will come on, indicating you’ll have distortion in the recording. If the recording level meters are not visible, go to the Interface tab of Preferences and check Enable Meter Toolbar, or in Audacity 1.3.3, go to View > Toolbars > Show Meter Toolbar.
    [edit] Recording, editing and exporting

    6) Create a new Project by clicking File > Save Project As. Start your recording by pressing the red Record button, then starting the player. You can pause and restart the recording between tracks or sides with the blue Pause button, which keeps your recording on one track within Audacity. This is the easiest way to record into Audacity, because having just one track on screen allows you to split the recording up into the different songs or sections using “labels”. See Step 10) below for more on this.

    If you do want to start new tracks or sides of the tape or LP on a new track in Audacity, then press the yellow Stop button to stop recording, get the LP or tape to where you want to go to, then press the red Record button in Audacity and start the player. The recording will now restart on a new track.

    For general purposes, use Audacity’s default Project Rate of 44100 Hz (set bottom left of the Audacity window) for both recording and exporting. Optionally, recording from analogue sources like LP or tape at 48000 or 96000 Hz Project Rate may capture somewhat higher quality. However, burning audio CDs requires a 44100 Hz WAV/AIFF file, and 48000 Hz is the highest sample rate most media players on computers can cope with, so downsampling when you come to export from Audacity may still be necessary.

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