Personal Branding

Dan Schawbel of Personal Branding Magazine asked me to write a brief article on personal branding and how it might relate to K-12 education. I found it interesting that he would be interested in a K-12 perspective so I felt like it was an opportunity to further bridge the gap between education and the rest of the world.  While the business world calls it “personal branding” the term “digital citizenship” or “digital footprint” is the synomous term in education. The idea of students developing their “brand” or identity is a burgeoning concept in education.

I’ve been following Dan’s blog and shared items in his reader for about the past 2 months. It’s interesting to notice where we do and don’t overlap on the idea of personal branding or digital footprint.

You can view the entire issue for free by clicking on the free sample issue link on the main page.