Visual Communicator

One of the great products I had a chance to look at at FETC was a product called Visual Communicator.

My involvement with video has me examining many tools and this one has some very special applications and possibilities. It isn’t a video editor as such but a program that will create some very professional presentations. Using green screen technology, it can do amazing things. I am hoping our schools that are currently doing video broadcasts, can really benefit from this program.

Here’s a really silly example of what it can do.
Watch video

I found a pretty good deal at Tiger Direct for less than $200.


I had the priviledge of attending FETC in Orlando Florida at the end of January. A conference of over 12,000, it featured some excellent sessions, workshops and exhibits. Seeing the latest and greatest in educational technology is not only cool but constantly challenges us as educators to examine how students can learn more and what technologies will provide the best learning experience.

Overall, education certainly has some huge questions to ask.

Willard Daggett, claims Rip Van Winkle would feel more comfortable in most schools today than he would anywhere else. That’s pretty sad but probably true. We need to be very proactive and move out of our comfort zone.

Superbowl musings

What were the Eagles thinking in the last quarter? Who was in charge of the time managment? They didn’t seem to realize that the clock was ticking away. Then the choice to onside kick was odd. Had they kicked it deep, they could have got the ball back in decent field position instead of the 3 yard line. Also not having anyone back to field the punt was strange as well. Somebody will have to answer those questions.

What’s this got to do with education…nothing. But it’s a blog and sometimes you just have to get things off your chest!
