Kathy Cassidy is a grade one teacher in Moose Jaw. She continues to demonstrate how primary students can utilize all the tools of the Read/Write web to demonstrate their learning. Her latest venture is using the podcasting tool built into David Warlick’s classblogmeister.
Author: Dean Shareski
Podcast 14… Dinner with Bloggers
I think I understand how competitive the news business is in trying to get out stories before the other guy. As far as I can tell I’m at least the 4th one to talk about this event. But I have something the others do not; Audio. Although the quality is not your Savvy Technologist standard but if you want to sit in with the likes of Wes Fryer, Will Richardson, Tim Wilson, Rob Mancabelli and others this might be for you.
My only regret is that I didn’t have more time with Steve Dembo and have him in on this conversation. Steve was sitting down from us and was busy having his own great conversation.
Let’s ban the laptops…another lame response to disruptive technology
In the article, Professor Entman says:
“My main concern was they were focusing on trying to transcribe every word that was I saying, rather than thinking and analyzing,“ Entman said Monday. “The computers interfere with making eye contact. You’ve got this picket fence between you and the students.“
Sounds like a management issue here. You can argue all day whether students should be more focused, whether they should be handwriting, the reality is the notebook is here and by trying to ban or restrict technology you are not addressing the more important question of how to take advantage of it. It’s often about engagment. If the professor is not engaging, students will find things that are more engaging. If the concern is about thinking and analyzing, there are many ways to facilitate that online as well.
Banning technology is always the easiest solution but it’s usually not the best.
Here’s a response from one student:
“If we continue without laptops, I’m out of here. I’m gone; I won’t be able to keep up,“ said student Cory Winsett, who said his hand-written notes are incomplete and less organized.
I believe that changes in education are going to arise more from student action that administrative decisions. Good for you Cory.
Don’t call it a laptop project….Gary Stager
Last year at FETC, I came to one session early to hear the tail end of a session by Gary Stager. I remember thinking he was quite different from the other presenters. I’m not sure what his presentation was about but he certainly had a unique delivery. Quite irreverant and refreshing. Add to that his New Jersey accent, and you’ve got someone worth listening to. I remember one line he used. Paraphrased somewhat,
“there’s always one blowhard in the crowd that says, “it’s not about the technology”, then I say why are we at at technology conference instead of a Montessori conference”.
Something like that. So this year I was happy to hear what he had to say about one to one computing. He’s been doing it for 16 years. He’s passionate about using it as an “imagination machine”. Here’s a few of my rather scraggly notes.
It’s not a project. This is not an experiment. The laptop computer is the primary learning instrument of the day. Failed ventures often focus on increased usage and continuing with the same old curriculum. Must offer emotion and excitement for buy-in.
We should be as concerned about future students as our current ones.
What’s the world like for students coming into our schools?
“Technology is anything that wasn’t there when you were born”
Most students touch a computer less than an hour each week.
Laptops matter because they are personal and portable.
3 types of Laptop Schools
- Pioneers…want to make a difference
- Marketers…want their picture in the paper
- Their neighbours
The point is that kids should take them home. Give kids laptops so that the teachers have the chance to figure it out before they bring them anyway in the next 5 years.
-if the predominant use of the internet is to “look stuff up” kids will look up inappropriate stuff
-the laptop should be about sharing stuff
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The real power of the internet
Democratizing of publishing
Unprecedented opportunities of collaboration.
Technology matters. It allows you do to things that are otherwise impossible.Stager had some other great points. He showed some videos of some great collaborative, innovative projects and talked about assessment. He hates testing. Actually I think he said he despises testing. When parents see the powerful learning taking place in these classrooms, it never crosses their minds to ask about test scores. The learning is palatable. He described a failed laptop program in Georgia where one educational leader stated proudly, “that although we’ve invested in these laptops, we will not change the curriculum.” Laptops are distruptive and should change the way learning happens. One video showed a girl from Australia who had the opportunity to compose her own music and is now an award winning artist. Stager was careful to point out it’s not necessarily about acheiving this type of success but to enable students to pursue their passions in ways they otherwise could not. It’s Not a project or experiment, it’s the primary instrument of the day. On a personal note, having a laptop has been critical in my development as a learner. Not being tethered to a desk allows me to write this blog post while listening to another session, which I’ll blog about later.
Take a look at Bubble Share
Bubble Share has been making the rounds throughout the blogosphere. While it’s tough to beat flickr, it rivals SlideStory. The ability to add narration and doing it so easily makes it a worth a look.
Made this one in about 5 minutes.
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