Preamble: I need to write more. Sometimes I need a push so I asked for suggestions on Twitter.
Wow I’ve got like 15 on the back burner but they are probably too weird for you. I think your next title should be “In Defense of Coloured Pants”
— Amy Burvall (@amyburvall) February 27, 2018
Let’s talk about pants.
When I present I typically wear some kind of wacky coloured pants. It began when my wife got tired of me buying infinite pairs of khaki pants. So she bought me a pair of salmon/orange pants. (This specific colour of these has been the source of controversy as well as a “check-in” point) I figured I’d try them and it seemed to get some reaction, mostly in the form of good-natured ridicule.
And then things just progressed.
Today I have around 8 different pairs that pretty much span the colour wheel. In many of my presentations, I share this tweet
You can’t change the world in boring pants.
— Steve Garguilo (@sdgarguilo) November 5, 2015
I’m not really trying to change the world but have decided if I’m going to talk about joy, I oughta look as joyful as I can. There’s not much more to it.
Joy is when your pants match the curtains! Thanks @shareski from @rockingedutech Totally inspirational! @DiscoveryEd @MaxBrooks1 #rcpstech
— Stephanie Failes ⛳☕ (@STFailes) March 11, 2017
Thanks to Amy for the idea. A few more shared some ideas that I may use as fodder soon. Writing is good. This blog post may not be. That said, it’s a reminder, this is my space, my place and I need to remember that. I hold no expectations from readers but a place to muse in public can be a very good thing.