Timeline of Productivity and Stupidity

The following took place on Wednesday, February 4th, 2009. All events are true.


5:24 QIK recorded of me parking at the U of R. (stupid, but I was trying to figure out why the alert to twitter wasn’t working, I guess it worked)
6:25 Email from a student who said she was sick and wondered what I could do so she could participate. (Our online classes are held in Elluminate but since this was a f2f class I didn’t create a session for tonight)
6:28 Started a Ustream broadcast and sent her the link and my other student who is in Malaysia.(Productive. Didn’t plan to do this but I suppose a teachable moment)
6:30 Class begins. I demo ustream and qik to students and have the stay there to keep Chelsey and Eric company in the chat.
7:15 Join with Alec’s class and watch Ben Hazzard’s excellent presentation on SmartBoards.
8:05 Students explore Smartboards I move my computer over to one of the Boards, use the video feature in Elluminate to show the board and students to the 2 students viewing virtually. (productive)
8:55 Class ends.
9:12 Wait for Alec to finish with students. Stuck my nose in their conversation and offered some suggestions.
9:18 Tweeted out my impatience (stupid but effective, students talking to Alec had their laptop open and conveyed my frustrations to Alec)
9:55 Need gas, the gas station near the University was closed I started driving west and got a little lost, fired up GPS enabled Google Maps on the iphone and found my way to a gas station. (productive)
10:05 Qik recorded my ordering at the drive thru. (really stupid)

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