The following took place on Wednesday, February 4th, 2009. All events are true.
5:24 QIK recorded of me parking at the U of R. (stupid, but I was trying to figure out why the alert to twitter wasn’t working, I guess it worked)
6:25 Email from a student who said she was sick and wondered what I could do so she could participate. (Our online classes are held in Elluminate but since this was a f2f class I didn’t create a session for tonight)
6:28 Started a Ustream broadcast and sent her the link and my other student who is in Malaysia.(Productive. Didn’t plan to do this but I suppose a teachable moment)
6:30 Class begins. I demo ustream and qik to students and have the stay there to keep Chelsey and Eric company in the chat.
7:15 Join with Alec’s class and watch Ben Hazzard’s excellent presentation on SmartBoards.
8:05 Students explore Smartboards I move my computer over to one of the Boards, use the video feature in Elluminate to show the board and students to the 2 students viewing virtually. (productive)
8:55 Class ends.
9:12 Wait for Alec to finish with students. Stuck my nose in their conversation and offered some suggestions.
9:18 Tweeted out my impatience (stupid but effective, students talking to Alec had their laptop open and conveyed my frustrations to Alec)
9:55 Need gas, the gas station near the University was closed I started driving west and got a little lost, fired up GPS enabled Google Maps on the iphone and found my way to a gas station. (productive)
10:05 Qik recorded my ordering at the drive thru. (really stupid)
9:33 — finished creation of grade 8 English exam (productive)
10:05 — watched Dean go through the drive-thru. Found myself agreeing with his fries for the drive philosophy. (highlight of my day)
John Fergusons last blog post..These are the Roller Coaster Days of Our Lives…
I’m not sure which was more stupid – your qik streaming the drive-through experience or my taking the time to watch it when I should have been getting something productive done.
Rob Walls last blog post..PTO with Google tasks (and other Gmail goodness)
Thanks for the link to the SMART Board resources. We are just getting started in our school with this technology and won’t receive our first SMART Board until next year. I’m always looking for sample lessons to use as inspiration for the French ones I’m in the process of creating.
Joanna Sanders Bobiashs last blog post..Great digital storytelling workshops over the years
I consider myelf lucky to have missed this productivity 😉 I thought you were going to record an entire 24 hours in this format 😉
Alan Levines last blog post..Blog Muzzled: Fourth Annual Comment Blogging Extravaganza