Stickin’ it to the man

With all the concern and debate over freedom and privacy, how about turning the tables? This band couldn’t afford cameras to create a music video, so the used 80 of the over 13 million security cameras in the UK to record this music video.

…..they wrote to the companies or organisations involved and asked for the footage under the Freedom of Information Act….

“We hit upon the idea of going into Manchester and setting up in front of cameras we knew would be filming and then requesting that footage under the Freedom Of Information act.”

Only a quarter of the organisations contacted fulfilled their obligation to hand over the footage – perhaps predictably, bigger firms were reluctant, while smaller companies were more helpful – but that still provided enough for a video with 20 locations.

Brilliant and another example of not even needing a camera to produce video. So what happens when everyone begins asking for their personal footage? Full story here.

via Guy Kawasaki

One thought on “Stickin’ it to the man

  1. Nicole L.

    Wow, that was amazing. It was just so captivating to watch, and it makes a statement. I’ll definately file this one away for some artistic inspiration for students in the future.

    Nicole L.s last blog post..Coping with Stress

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