I love Father’s Day…a digital story

I’m going to offering a 2 day workshop this summer on digital storytelling. I’ve done similar sessions before but focused more on specific applications. This time the focus will be on the process. Piggy backing on the fine work that’s out there,(Joe Lambert, Bernajean Porter, and others) I’ll be trying to help teachers understand the power of digital storytelling across the curriculum.

In addition to discussing the various tools, I want to show them the process that in some ways is very simple and yet when done well can be challenging. I wanted to once again walk through the experience of storytelling and so I created this story as a tribute to my Dad.

  • It begins with an idea….looking at tangible evidence of how my father has influenced me.
  • This translates to a written script.
  • I collect assets….photos, music, video
  • I record my script
  • Insert the assets in the appropriate spots in the timeline
  • Add motion to images to create a more compelling message

For my project I used Pinnacle Studio 10 but the tool isn’t as important as the message. Hopefully I’ll have as positive an experience as Miguel has had.

This one’s for you Dad.
2:30 (3.5MB)

3 thoughts on “I love Father’s Day…a digital story

  1. Michael Cridland

    Hi, I’m a year 6/7 teacher from Brisbane, Australia and I’ve been following your blog for a month or so – thanks for some interesting reading! I am so inspired by your Father’s Day digital story, that I’m going do do something similar, so I have a modeled text to show my students next term, when they are creating their own digital stories. Cheers, Michael

  2. Pingback: Thanking my Dad | Ideas and Thoughts

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