Here is the last of my interviews with teachers telling the new story of teaching and learning. Previously we heard from a grade one teacher, a high school calculus teacher and today we hear from a middle years teacher.
Clarence Fisher teaches grade 7/8 in northern Manitoba. He has been expermenting with many of the web 2.0 tools for over a year. This year he truly implemented them into his daily routine.
Show notes:
- Remote Access
- SlashDot
- The Register
- Class Podcasts
- Weblogs go to school
- Old Classroom weblogs
- New teacher weblog
- Student Weblogs
- Caesar video game
- Class wiki
- Blogmeister
- Learner Blogs
- Piczo
46:40 16.8MB
*On a technical note, I’ve used 3 different techniques to record the audio. Darren and I used Gizmo since it had built in record. I recorded Kathy’s interview on video and extracted the audio using Quicktime Pro. Clarence and I used Skype and although I was planning to utililze Rob’s configuration, my limited understanding ruled out that options. Fortunately I discovered PowerGramo which records Skype conversations. I tried Pamela but again, couldn’t configure it correctly.
I also used 3 different locations for the recordings. Darren’s was recorded in my office, Kathy in her classroom and Clarence both on my bed and, as you’ll hear about the 30 minute mark, me moving to my den. If you listening very closely, you’ll hear me telling my youngest to be quiet. (As a podcaster herself, she told me after 15 minutes that no one will listen because it’s too long…advice passe on to her by her father).
Your daughter is probably right…..
I can definitely be too long.
Just ask the students in my class.
According to the number of plays already on this one, I think it’s just fine. In fact I had some questions I should have asked that I didn’t. We’ll save them for the conference call.
I’ve shared this podcast with the Texas Leads! group at
Keep up the great conversations!
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Thanks for the informative post.. and thanks for adding our comment to the blog. I am subscribing to your feed so I don\’t miss the next post!