Way back when, I posted a little piece on a typical day for me. So I got this idea from Scott Hodge and decided to put my own twist on things. I think this would be a neat activity for kids. I haven’t done much with photo essays so this is really my first attempt.
Basically the premise is that I take a photo at the top of every hour and photograph whatever it is I’m looking at at the time. It begins at 8:00am and finished at 10:00pm. Here we go.
8:00am Finished bowl of Special K.
9:00am Organizing Learning Team Webpage (maybe I should clean my screen!)
10:00am Meeting with Barry and Jan regarding Community Use Policy
12:00pm Driving home for lunch
1:00pm Looking at note for Administrator’s meeting
2:00pm Elementary Administrator’s meeting
3:00pm Meeting with Barry, Ryan, Jeff regarding Thursday’s meeting
Forget to take a picture!
5:00pm Picked up daughter from volleyball
6:00pm Taking the dog for a run
7:00pm Watching my son play High School Volleyball
8:00pm Picked up youngest daughter from Gymnastics
9:00pm One more trip out to take my son to piano lessons (which is dirtier, my van or screen?)
10:00pm Uploading photos, encoding video, watching the NFL Network
You can view all the images in larger size by clicking them or going to this page.
Interesting idea.
People who aren’t teachers (or parents for that matter) will get tired just scrolling through your day!
Was the 2:00 meeting for just one administrator?
My correction. It should read adminstrators’.
There’s always one in every crowd…grammar freaks. I know I’m married to one!