A Day in the Life

After rummaging around Will Richardson’s blog, I amazed at the depth of content considering that he has a full time job. (Check out his notes)

People often say to me, “You have too much time on your hands.” usually in reference to some type of fun type of project or experiment I’m working on or “When do you sleep?”. So I thought I’d break down a typical day in terms of how technology specifically impacts my day to day world.

Tuesday, March 1st, 2005

8:25 Began my work day as usual by checking email and repsonding to email. Voice mail is on the decline.
9:10 Received a fax from a teacher needing some ideas placed in a PowerPoint for a meeting in the afternoon. I would prefer it sent electronically but I understand everyone’s not there yet.
9:15 Worked on PowerPoint for the afternoon Assessment workshop. My role in the meeting was minimal so I simply created an agenda
10:00 Created an online secure space for the Teacher’s local agreement in Dreamweaver. I had never used a password protected area and although our techs set it up, I had to convert the document to PDF, link and upload.
10:15 Received an email from a teacher requesting a blog workshop. Started looking into other blog resources and signed up for a Flickr account. Installed the upload program and uploaded some pictures. Used Fireworks to resize and edit, then realized it wasn’t necessary. Flickr will take care of most of that.
10:45 Worked on survey for Graduate class using Advanced Survey.
11:10 Went back to the PowerPoint to make some last minute editions as well as include a Word document.
11:45 Lunch…I hate the South Beach Diet!
12:30 Time to set up for the meeting. Set up the laptop and LCD.
1:00 Assessment and Evaluation workshop. Good meeting and discussion.

Assessment meeting March 2005

3:45 Debriefed meeting
4:10 Realized there was a problem with the javascript on our Graduate class website and searched for a fix….no luck. I’ll need the group’s web designer to zip me the site again.
5:15 Head for home
In between all these things, there was a fairly steady inclusion of email checks/responses as well as reading the odd blog post from my RSS.

7:30 Began working on my daughter’s application video to Sheridan College. I’m pulling old video from her past musical performances. Found out some are on Digital8 so I needed another camera to capture. I think I’ve got it. Used both Movie Maker and Pinnacle.
8:30 Head over to watch some High School basketball.
10:00 Completed Survey for Grad class and uploaded URL to prof. Got caught up on all the postings on the grad site.
11:00 Taped my daughter’s little introduction for her audition. Used a green screen but did not like the results when I went to edit. There’s no time to redo it.
11:45 Completed editing but now have to transfer the video over the network to my laptop. I love wireless but it’s quite slow. I’ll do some more reading while I wait for the video to transfer.
12:30 Worked on the final version of the video. Tomorrow (I guess today) I’ll tape her singing and monologue and we’ll ship it off to Toronto by Thursday morning.
1:15 Sleep.

So there you have it. As George Costanza once said, “If you take my entire life and condense it into one day….IT LOOKS DECENT!”